Register to play The Weather Game

Please choose a pseudonym to play under, thus keeping your identity anonymous. Please do not use , < > ' " characters or your real name in your pseudonym. Passwords must not end in a comma. For security, ensure your password is strong and unique to this site.

Please only click register once unless you receive notification of an error, it may take the system a moment to process your registration. You can check it works by signing in.

NEW: Sign up to the mailing list for weekly emails and competition updates. Emails will only be sent to those who sign up to the mailing list.

Pseudonym (max 30 characters)
Re-type password
Email address
Select your competition category
First time Have you played The Weather Game before?
Verify you are a human
The information you supply on this form will be used in The Weather Game itself, to help us respond to any future enquiries, and for quality assurance and data analytics purposes. Your personal data will not be sold to any organisation, and will not be shared with any organisations outside the University of Reading apart from those that help us to provide this service or unless required by law. The contact information in this form is confidential and will be treated in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (2016), the UK Data Protection Act 2018 and all applicable Data Protection laws. Please refer to the University of Reading Privacy Policy for more information. This data will be anonymised for any reporting purposes. Your data will be stored on a secure database for future tracking and correspondence.